I considered several other domain names for this website, which are listed here. Indeed, all the following domains should redirect to this site until at least mid-2025 when they come up for renewal.
Variations of my name#
These are fairly straightforward and simply incorporate my name in obvious ways.
- https://ryanagibson.com/
- https://ryanalexandergibson.com/
- https://ryanalexgibson.com/
- https://ryangibson.dev/
More creative variations#
These are a bit more creative and fun, but they may have limited use in professional circles.
- https://ragibs.com/
- https://rgibson.dev/
- https://ryagi.com/
- https://ryalg.com/
- https://ryalgi.com/
- https://ryanalyze.com/
- https://ryanexplores.com/
- https://rygib.com/
This one is a short domain for convenience or perhaps when space is extremely limited.