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Analyzing Political Party Strength vs. Quality of Life in U.S. States

Data-Analysis Data-Exploration Politics Quality-of-Life Interactive
Ryan Gibson
Ryan Gibson
Quantitative Analyst | Computer Scientist
Table of Contents

A few months ago, a job recruiter warned me that a job listing was in a “red state,” eventually clarifying that an increasing number of applicants were refusing to consider moving to states with a strong Republican lean.

While there are numerous valid personal reasons1 for this, the bluntness surprised me and made me curious precisely how much quality of life varies with the political leaning of a state.

To be clear, none of the conclusions here prove a causal relationship. The focus is on a broad comparison based on the recruiter’s simple “red state vs. blue state” framework.

Significant trends, in order of statistical significance#

When values are aggregated from lower-level metrics, we split the hierarchy into high-level, mid-level, and low-level metrics. This hierarchy helps us understand the broader trends while also allowing us to zoom in on specific areas of interest.

Below, we present the strength of the statistically significant2 trends as explained by political party lean alone. Later, we’ll show plots that demonstrate a large fraction of these trends remain significant even after correcting for differences in state wealth (measured by per capita GDP) and population density.3

Two plots of "USN 'Health Care > Public Health'" versus "2022 Cook Partisan Voting Index", one showing "GDP &
Population Density Residuals". A linear fit shows a notable trend of increasing health as states vote more Democratic.
(Click to zoom) This plot shows a strong negative correlation between Republican voting patterns and public health metrics, even after adjusting for GDP and population density.

High-level metrics

Overall, Republican states:

  • Have stronger government fiscal stability, such as a balanced budget \( \left( p \approx 0.1\% \right) \)
  • Offer more opportunity, such as lower cost of living \( \left( p \approx 0.2\% \right) \)

On the other hand, Democratic states:

  • Have better health care \( \left( p \approx 1 \cdot 10^{-11} \right) \)
  • Enjoy higher incomes \( \left( p \approx 6 \cdot 10^{-9} \right) \)
  • Live longer \( \left( p \approx 2 \cdot 10^{-6} \right) \)
  • Are happier \( \left( p \approx 0.02\% \right) \)
  • Have better environments, such as less pollution \( \left( p \approx 0.7\% \right) \)
  • Enjoy more personal freedoms4 \( \left( p \approx 0.9\% \right) \)

Mid-level metrics

Overall, Republican states:

  • Are more affordable \( \left( p \approx 2 \cdot 10^{-13} \right) \)
  • Demonstrate better short-term government fiscal stability \( \left( p \approx 0.01\% \right) \)

While Democratic states:

  • Have better public health \( \left( p \approx 5 \cdot 10^{-10} \right) \)
  • Enjoy higher emotional and physical well-being \( \left( p \approx 3 \cdot 10^{-6} \right) \)
  • Provide broader health care access \( \left( p \approx 1 \cdot 10^{-5} \right) \)
  • Achieve better crime / corrections outcomes \( \left( p \approx 1 \cdot 10^{-5} \right) \)
  • Offer higher economic opportunity \( \left( p \approx 0.07\% \right) \)
  • Maintain better health care quality \( \left( p \approx 0.08\% \right) \)
  • Foster better business environments \( \left( p \approx 0.1\% \right) \)
  • Achieve higher equality \( \left( p \approx 0.7\% \right) \)
  • Ensure less pollution \( \left( p \approx 1.0\% \right) \)

Selected low-level metrics

There are too many significant trends to list here, so we only highlight those with minimal overlap with previous higher-level categories. All trends can be viewed in the dropdown selector in the next section.

Overall, Republican states:

  • Enjoy shorter commutes \( \left( p \approx 1 \cdot 10^{-5} \right) \)
  • Have a lower tax burden \( \left( p \approx 3 \cdot 10^{-5} \right) \)
  • Maintain higher-quality roads \( \left( p \approx 6 \cdot 10^{-5} \right) \)
  • Earn more 2-year college degrees \( \left( p \approx 0.1\% \right) \)
  • Experience higher migration rates \( \left( p \approx 1.3\% \right) \)

In contrast, Democratic states:

  • Have better public transit \( \left( p \approx 1 \cdot 10^{-10} \right) \)
  • Achieve more equal incomes between genders \( \left( p \approx 2 \cdot 10^{-8} \right) \)
  • Are more educated \( \left( p \approx 7 \cdot 10^{-8} \right) \)
  • Maintain lower incarceration rates \( \left( p \approx 3 \cdot 10^{-7} \right) \)
  • Ensure better internet access \( \left( p \approx 2 \cdot 10^{-6} \right) \)
  • Have lower suicide rates \( \left( p \approx 5 \cdot 10^{-6} \right) \)
  • Create more patents \( \left( p \approx 1 \cdot 10^{-5} \right) \)
  • Earn more 4-year college degrees \( \left( p \approx 0.02\% \right) \)
  • Receive more venture capital funding for businesses \( \left( p \approx 0.02\% \right) \)
  • Ensure lower food insecurity and lower poverty rates \( \left( \text{both } p \approx 0.04\% \right) \)
  • Enjoy more affordable health care \( \left( p \approx 0.05\% \right) \)
  • Host more company headquarters \( \left( p \approx 0.2\% \right) \)
  • Maintain more reliable power grids \( \left( p \approx 2.1\% \right) \)

Plots of all trends (dropdown selection)#

Here, we provide a hierarchical view of every plot. Use the dropdown menu to explore various quality of life metrics and see how they correlate with political party strength.

The WalletHub (“WH”) happiness scores have two layers of hierarchical information, while the US News (“USN”) quality of life categories have three layers of metrics.

The 16 metrics that are significantly better in Republican states are marked “[R]” and the 43 metrics that are significantly better in Democratic states are marked “[D]”.

Select metric to plot
Two plots of a quality of life metric vs. political party strength. Each data point is labelled with the state's
two-letter abbreviation.
(Click to zoom) Left: Plot of a quality of life metric versus the 2022 Cook Partisan Voting Index, as selected by the dropdowns above. Right: a plot of the same data after removing the portion of the overall trend that can be explained by differences in state per capita GDP and population density. Statistically significant trends are denoted by a black dashed line.

See also and references

For additional details, see the links in the footnotes and the data sets themselves. I primarily analyzed data from the following sources:

  1. Reproductive and LGBT rights immediately come to mind as unequivocal deal-breakers for many individuals. Similarly, I know a number of teachers who refuse to consider Republican states due to increasing attacks on education in general. ↩︎

  2. Here and in the later plots, we’re using a significance level of \( \alpha = 0.05 \), Benjamini-Hochberg corrected for the large number of multiple comparisons. This effectively controls the false discovery rate without inflating the likelihood of false positives and ends up being equivalent to taking a per-trend significance level of \( \alpha \approx 2.1\% \). ↩︎

  3. Almost all the metrics analyzed here are already quoted on a per-capita basis, so correcting for population density effects is more appropriate than population alone. Technically speaking, we actually correct against log population density in order to address heteroscedasticity in the data. ↩︎

  4. It might be surprising on the surface that Republican states have significantly fewer personal freedoms than Democratic ones, but as the Cato Institute explains, “socially conservative states tend to restrict alcohol, gambling, marijuana, and, until Obergefell v. Hodges, marriage freedoms.” Other examples include some GOP charters striving to require proof of fault for all divorces and aiming to repeal the Voting Rights Act of 1965↩︎

  5. This was actually somewhat difficult since their official methodology and every source I could find are ambiguous and/or misleading on the precise calculation. What they’re actually doing is

    1. Tabulate per-state vote counts for the Republican and Democratic candidates.
    2. Calculate the percentage that voted Republican/Democratic out of those that voted for either party. So, a state that votes 45% Republican / 50% Democratic gets normalized to ~47.4% Republican / ~52.6% Democratic.
    3. Compare this to the same nation-wide calculation, again normalizing the percentage by ignoring all third-party voters. This uses the total votes for each party’s candidate across the entire country rather than an aggregation of the states’ results. I.e., the comparison is to the “average voter”, not the “average state”.
    4. Subtract the per-state and nation-wide party leans and report the final index as the 75% / 25% weighted average of the last two presidential elections.
  6. As a humorous aside, the official U.S. Excel export for the 2020 results have an overlooked note to double-check one of the vote counts in Connecticut (placed in a column that should be blank for that state). It seems they officially tabulated 219 votes for some minor candidate, but wanted to double-check if the actual count was 218? Indeed, the government site for the Connecticut Secretary of State claims 218 votes here, so the discrepancy appears real.

    A screenshot of the 2020 presidential election results showing 219 votes for "Carroll, Brian" followed by
    "218?" in the nearby "COMBINED GE PARTY VOTES (NY)" column.


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